CPG5... the programming language for the web
is the language level which allows application development on mainframes to create intranet solutions for a private network - or for Internet solutions worldwide.

Further information about CPG5

The components of CPG5 are :

NetPage NetPage is a composer for HTML files which uses CPG5 mainframe programs to display host data with browsers.
QPG Quick Program Generator is the development platform for host applications. Programs written in QPG can run in a mainframe batch or online area. The results of the processing can be displayed either in a 3270 data stream or in HTML pages.
QIT Quick Information Transfer supports file transfer using TCP/IP connections for quick, efficient transfer of files between different platforms.

is an HTML editor for net applications using CICS data files. NetPage creates HTML sites that can show variables from your CICS databases or VSAM files in a standard browser. These sites may be presented in an intranet as normal business applications. They directly call mainframe QPG programs, which can use all the powerful resources of CPG programming tools. The exchange of data between the QPG and the HTML site is done automatically.

NetPage allows use of variables as buttons, images, hyperlinks, listboxes, tables, JAVA Applets, etc. Thus mainframe programming horizons are expanded to a workstation GUI for the end user.
is the extension of CPG as a just-in-time compiler. By using QPG, applications can be developed and tested interactively. QPG programs can be executed either online under CICS or used in a batch environment with VSE/ESA or OS/390.

The source code of QPG programs is stored in the text facility QTF, where different libraries can be installed for QPG modules. To optimize performance, a whole QPG library may be generated as a single assembler phase.

The development of net applications through QPG uses less statements than development for traditional 3270 workstations. The technology of net application is 'event oriented'. That is, only the task (for example from clicking a button up to the resulting display) has to be coded. The total task controlling the action can be omitted because the browser can take over this work. Restrictions of the display unit do not lead to programming overhead any longer. If data does not fit in the window, a scroll bar (vertical or horizontal) appears automatically.
is a very fast method for file transfer, using all advantages of TCP/IP. It supports automatic translation from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice versa, depending on the transfer direction. Optionally, private translate tables are supported.

You can send files from CICS to the PC by mouse-click.  With help of QPG selection-criteria, only specific data need to be transferred. Furthermore, data can be sent back from the PC to the mainframe.

You can simply transfer text from the QTF to any PC editor, and the text can be modified directly on the PC. QIT can put this text into the QTF again, so that these can be further modified on the mainframe. Furthermore, VSE/POWER-List queue contents can be transferred to the PC.

The file transfer QIT can be embedded into online and batch applications to get the outmost automation of the data transfers.
Here you can find more information about :

CPG5  Customer Settings (Power Point Presentation)
CPG5  further information
CPG5  first steps (Power point) (Adobe)

CPG4  the intelligent programming language.
CPG3  the modular programming language.
CPG2  the modern programming language.
CPG1  the proven programming language.

Technical information
        Here you will find the technical description for CPG5.

Sample program

Last updated: 10/04/2007